WASHINGTON — The U.S. Postal Service unveiled the 2024 Christmas Madonna and Child and Holiday Joy stamps today at a special event held at the Smithsonian’s National Postal Museum.
The Central Indiana Postal Customer Council (PCC) is extending a cordial invitation to all business partners to attend the 2024 National Postal Customer Council Week celebration.
WASHINGTON — The Postal Service has been implementing a new strategic approach with respect to its contracts with package consolidator companies - ones that consolidate large volumes of packages for entry into various points of the USPS network. These contracts no longer reflect operational and financial realities in today’s market, the Postal network, or USPS’ refreshed product offerings. As a result, while the Postal Service has and will enter into new agreements with package consolidator companies consistent with its current business strategy, the Postal Service will no longer offer discounted rates through Negotiated Service Agreements (NSAs) for packages entered by...
INDIANAPOLIS, IN — The United States Postal Service and Newfields will host a special dedication stamp event for the Madonna and Child holiday stamp on Tuesday, Sept. 17 at 11:15 a.m. at the Pulliam Family Great Hall and Golden Gallery entrance, Newfields, 4000 Michigan Rd., Indianapolis 46208.
INDIANA — The Postal Service will hold “Soar to Success” Job Fairs across the state during September. Available positions pay up to $22.13 per hour, plus some benefits.
Together with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Postal Service will pay tribute to the healthcare community with a new commemorative Forever stamp.
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Postal Service filed notice today with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) regarding a temporary price change for some package services for the 2024 peak holiday season. This temporary price adjustment is to help cover extra handling costs to ensure a successful peak season.
PHILADELPHIA — On this day 250 years ago, the foundation of American independence was laid when the First Continental Congress met at Carpenters’ Hall to determine how to safeguard the Colonies’ rights against British rule. The U.S. Postal Service today honors the anniversary of that first gathering and the delegates who bravely planted the seeds of democracy with a new Forever stamp, First Continental Congress, 1774, debuting at the place where it all began.
KOKOMO, IN — As part of the Delivering for America Plan, the United States Postal Service (USPS) is investing $40 billion across the nation to modernize and revitalize its services. As of the second quarter of 2024, more than $330 million has been invested in the Postal Service’s operations in Indiana, with further investments anticipated over the next several years. USPS recently showcased examples of these investments in Kokomo. The event highlighted the modernized Kokomo Sorting and Delivery Center (S&DC) and showcased the new delivery vehicles, including zero-emission electric vehicles that have already begun serving routes. This modernization, especially of...
Full-Service mailers have the opportunity to use the same permit at any location via the Mail Anywhere program. Entry into the Mail Anywhere program is limited to mailers who meet the quality thresholds for Full-Service electronic verification.